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Partnering with Spirit: Natural Alliances

Partnering with Spirit:

our natural alliances

with Jeremy Berg and Freya Secrest


partnering with our natural allies in a safe and integrated manner


October 10 - November 13

Historically, human beings have always sought out contact with the subtle and spiritual worlds for a variety of reasons. These might include guidance on problems, information about the future, healing for ills, protection from danger, and wisdom for our growth and development. Our reasons have been numerous and varied.

In these times, humanity and the biosphere are facing challenges that threaten our survival and the integrity and wholeness of the ecosystems that support us. Many forms of life, in addition to our own, are in danger. The future is at stake. The problems that exist cannot be solved by a worldview that sees only the physical world as having any reality. Growing our understanding of, and relationship with the subtle realms of life is the necessary shift to open an ecology of relationships that can unlock the resources to meet these current challenges. A partnership with the incarnate and subtle worlds working together is the way forward. It is the need of our time. It is the fiery hope of our time.

The object of this class is different than simply teaching a method of contact with the non-physical realms to gain answers. Its focus is to open our relationship with the non-physical dimensions in ways that allow us to step toward partnership on behalf of our world. We seek to strengthen and deepen our capacities to serve. All of the other reasons an individual may seek a connection with a subtle ally can still be there, but in Partnering with Spirit, the vision and goal of service are paramount.

Fulfilling the hope and the need for partnering in service is the goal of this class.


PARTNERING WITH SPIRIT: NATURAL ALLIANCES is a five-week class that builds on the material learned in previous Core Classes. It focuses on:

  • Identity and the expression of our personal Presence

  • Understanding the field of our “natural alliances” - the subtle partnerships and alliances that are organically and naturally part of our unique incarnation

  • Communicating with the field developing out of our natural alliances – our “Entelechy” – and listening for the wisdom it may have to offer


To accomplish this goal, our class will be guided by the following general principles:

  • That we are participating in both individual and collective incarnational processes

  • That all incarnation is a manifestation of relationships, partnerships, and collaborations

  • That a relationship or partnership with a subtle being can be an instrument of incarnation, bringing new energies, qualities, and powers into expression

  • An alliance with subtle beings is an act of participation in the incarnation of Gaia.

This is the Alliance Paradigm in a nutshell.

Class Format

Faculty: Jeremy Berg and Freya Secrest are the primary class facilitators with David Spangler as support and resource.

This class, Partnering with Spirit card deck, and newly published book were developed by David Spangler and Jeremy Berg using text and images from numerous Alliance classes and other new material. Deva Berg collaborated on the images for the card deck and Freya Secrest has been advising and “field” testing the card deck layouts. The class includes the new book, Partnering with Spirit by David Spangler in PDF form for reference and structure. Each participant will be mailed a copy of the new Partnering with Spirit card deck when registering for the class.

Structure: A live webinar presentation each Saturday at 9:00 AM Pacific (noon Eastern) by Jeremy will introduce each week's focus. Sundays at 4:00 PM Pacific (7:00 pm Eastern), Freya will facilitate an Alliance Field where we will deepen our connection with Natural Allies and partners.

  • Week One: Self-Light, Presence & the Body Intelligence

  • Week Two: Our Incarnational Elemental

  • Week Three: The Guardian Angel

  • Week Four: Our Pit Crew and the “Entelechy”

  • Week Five: Engaging with the Entelechy field – Card Deck Synchronicity field layouts

Partnering with Spirit: Natural Alliances will be held on our online education site, powered by Ruzuku where you will have access to online discussions and materials 24/7. Course includes:

  • Five live (and recorded) presentations on Saturdays: 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2 and 11/9 at 9:00 AM Pacific time – Jeremy Berg

  • Five live (and recorded) Alliance Field meditations on Zoom on Sundays: 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3 and 11/10 at 4:00 PM Pacific time – Freya Secrest

  • Downloadable written presentations of exercises

  • Opportunity for facilitated online discussion and conversation

  • A PDF copy of David Spangler’s new book, Partnering with Spirit, and a 55-card Deck with a PDF version of the manual of the same name.

Note: Prerequisites are required. Partnering with Spirit: Natural Alliances, originally titled, The Alliance Paradigm, is now part of Lorian’s Core Class Series. Prerequisites include completed studies in Journey into Fire I & II, Working with Subtle Energies I & II, and Practical Magic. If you have recently completed all required courses and have not taken a previous Alliance course, email Susan Sherman at to request a registration invitation.

Previous students may repeat Natural Alliances at a 50% discount. An email notification will be sent to previous class participants with the discount registration link, or contact Susan at

We would love for you to join us!

Registration - $250

Repeat Discount - $125

Lorian Covenant of Confidentiality

Please Note: Your registration in a Lorian class confirms your commitment to uphold Agreements of Confidentiality and mutual respect which govern the spirit, the intent, and the practice of our education experience together.

Click here to read Lorian’s Covenant of Confidentiality

Interested, but haven't yet taken the Incarnational Core Classes? Consider starting your journey through Incarnational Spirituality with Journey Into Fire I offered in January 2025 or the Self-Directed Study course, Tools for the Journey.



Jeremy berg mcs

Jeremy is the owner of the Lorian Press LLC, past director and board member of the Lorian Association. Trained as an architectural designer, his patented work in ecological construction has been well publicized. He is the author of Faerie Blood, The Gathering Light: An Exploration Into The Incarnational Way, and A Knight to Remember. He has been a college Dean and Vice-President and taught at both the secondary and postsecondary levels. Jeremy is the artist for the Card Decks of the Sidhe, an online teacher and workshop presenter.

Freya Secrest

Freya Secrest is a spiritual mentor, priest, and adult educator. She is a founding member of the Lorian Association and worked closely with Dorothy Maclean, traveling and teaching across the US and Canada on themes of collaboration with the intelligences of nature. She currently serves as Lorian’s Education Coordinator and continues to collaborate with subtle neighbors to build friendships with her home, garden and neighborhood communities.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information on our online classes, and our Policies page for information on late registration, refunds, and privacy.

Earlier Event: October 3
The Spectrum of Love Exploration
Later Event: October 16
Deepening into Nature - Fall 2024