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2024 Internet Incarnation

internet incarnation

energy literacy in cyberspace

with Maryn spangler

navigating cyberspace!


September 26 - October 23

This 4-week class is an exploration of the internet through the perspective of Incarnational Spirituality.

Join Maryn Spangler in the cultivation of energy-literacy and skillful relating through the lens of the Internet! We will discuss the intersection between metaphysics and the World Wide Web; the importance of the Internet as an evolutionary tool for collective humanity; and what skills we need to navigate cyberspace with sovereignty and safety.

Maryn talks about her class.


Have you ever gone online to check your email, only to surface 3 hours later from a YouTube rabbit hole full of cat videos and celebrity interviews? Me too! How about ‘accidentally’ finding yourself in a social media comments section, participating in recreational shock and outrage? Also me! Or how about this one: ever notice that the more you’re online, the less you know your own opinion? Or that the more you’re online, the less you like yourself, the world, and the humans who inhabit it?

These are modern problems every one of us faces, and there are a multitude of psychological and neurological reasons why the internet is one of the biggest modern challenges humanity faces. But I actually believe that the key to humanity navigating and evolving through these challenges lies in the expert cultivation of energy-literacy.

I am sure we have all had experiences of being around someone who holds strong emotions or negativity in their subtle field. Heck, we’re all ‘that person’ sometimes! And we all know what impact that energetic charge has on the people we’re sharing space with. Even if our roommate never says they’re angry, we can feel it. The subtle environment is impacted. There is residue left behind when they walk out. Now, imagine that energetic impact, multiplied by 5.4 billion internet users. Yowza!

The Internet is not just “a series of tubes”, as Ted Stevens called it in 2006. The Internet is a subtle-energy environment. When we go online, we are stepping into a shared energy space. It’s a powerful place, a melting pot of human energies and consciousness that has built up quite a bit of toxicity through ignorant and irresponsible energy dumping. 

When we consciously navigate our way through the internet, we are required to find and stand in our sovereignty; to finely hone our energetic awareness and discernment; to know our own mind and who we are as an individual within the collective flow of human consciousness - or else lose ourselves within that flow.

I believe that the Internet is an incredible training ground for humanity. As we build energy-literacy and skills through engaging online, so we build our incarnational skills. We become a master of our Self and our energetic interactions. We become an embodied blessing. Can you imagine a world where every person knew their own mind, felt their sovereignty, knew how to coexist with differences, and knew the impact of their energy and consciousness on the environment around them? It may feel like that vision is a long way off, but it all starts right here. On the Internet!

Growing up in the age of the internet, as well as in an environment of energy sensitives at home, has given me a unique viewpoint on the digital world. It has inspired me to explore social media as a sandbox for energy dynamics. Because people are not aware of cyberspace as an energy environment, there is a huge amount of toxic and psychic dumping that goes on online, and it requires all of us to learn tools of engagement in order to use it without negative effects. I believe the toxicity that is present online can be negated with proper tools, and even more so, the internet can become an expression of brilliant light that elevates our world. I am teaching this class because I have a lot of experience with engaging with the internet and social media in this way, and because I deeply believe in the importance of clean energetics and energy literacy as we move forward. The Internet is not going away. It’s time we learned how to engage with it in an empowered and integrous way.
— Maryn Spangler

Course Format

Internet Incarnation will be held on our online education site powered by Ruzuku where you will have access to the online discussion and materials 24/7 through your Learning Library.

This course will offer four live and recorded ZOOM webinar sessions during which the week’s lesson will be presented and discussed, and text-based online sessions on Ruzuku where exercises are presented and deeper discussions are possible. All webinar sessions are recorded and available to download for your personal use. The class materials are stored indefinitely in your personal Learning Library.

All ZOOM Webinar sessions begin at 4:00 PM Pacific time:

Mondays - September 30; October 7, 14, 21


Please Note: Your registration in a Lorian class confirms your commitment to uphold Agreements of Confidentiality and mutual respect which govern the spirit, the intent, and the practice of our education experience together.

Click here to read Lorian’s Covenant of Confidentiality

Registration - $200

Scholarships are available. Contact if you are interested in a scholarship or have questions about this class.

Maryn Spangler

Born and raised in the Lorian community, Maryn weaves an ingrained Incarnational Spirituality perspective with a decade of study and practice in the fields of mental, emotional and physical healing. She is passionate about spirituality, metaphysics and personal growth. Maryn lives in Western Washington, surrounded by beloved family and community. She loves all things cozy, and her favorite thing is to curl up with a cup of tea and a romance novel.

Presence Courses are shorter online classes focused on a key practice or principle of Incarnational Spirituality. Classes are designed to deepen your experience of a particular practice so that you can work with it more effectively in your life, and develop an approach that engages your physical, mental, emotional and energetic connections with the world through love and reflective perception.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information on our online classes, and our Policies page for information on late registration, refunds and privacy.

Earlier Event: September 12
September 2024
Later Event: October 3
The Spectrum of Love Exploration